Sedation Dentistry

Sedation Dentistry

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About Sedation Dentistry

Sedation is designed to help people relax when they are in a dentist’s chair. With kids, sedation dentistry is especially important. Younger children often struggle to sit still, which makes dental care difficult. 

By putting the child to sleep, the dentist can easily give them fillings, crowns, and other dental procedures. This safe technique is a simpler way to help fix a child’s smile. Once the child wakes up, they have no memory of the procedure. In addition to helping the child get treatment, this technique also means the child will not have lasting dental phobias about going to the dentist. Thanks to this positive experience, children will be more open-minded about getting dental care in the future.

What's included?

Sedation dentistry can involve different techniques and medications depending on medical history, age, and behavior.

We pride ourselves in offering a safe sedation experience by first scheduling a specialty anesthesia consult.  After this consultation, the anesthesiologist determines what type of anesthesia is safest for our patient.

Sedation and general anesthesia are useful for our little patients because it allows them to sleep and have a pain-free experience. When they wake up, they have a cavity-free mouth.  Our goal with sedation is to avoid creating dental phobia for children.

What kind of sedation is used in pediatric dentistry?

The kind of sedation can vary based on the procedure, the child's age, and their overall health. Pediatric dentistry may involve nitrous oxide (laughing gas), oral sedation, deep sedation, or general anesthesia.

Is Nitrous Oxide safe?

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recognizes the use of nitrous oxide as a safe way to help reduce anxiety and create analgesia, or the inability to feel pain. It's a really good sedation method for children who need fillings, crowns, or extractions, and it can reduce their fear of dental visits.

How safe is sedation dentistry for children?

For the average child, sedation dentistry is a safe, positive experience. If a child has special medical conditions, there can be potential risks. You should discuss your child’s medical conditions and medications with your doctor during your consultation appointment prior to sedation.

Is sedation covered by my insurance plan?

In some cases, sedation can be paid for by your insurance provider. Before the procedure, you can talk with our staff members about your insurance plan and the cost of sedation.

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